Epidemic, We hold it down like a fat kid on a see-saw.

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    apothead VS. Shaner

    The weed smoker.

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2010-02-03
    Age : 40
    Location : Pensacola

    apothead VS. Shaner Empty apothead VS. Shaner

    Post  a-pothead Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:18 pm

    <13:0>[apothead]: its simple
    <13:0>[MALKEMA]: you are on here per legs
    <13:0>[apothead]: its nothing against you
    <13:1>[MALKEMA]: wishes
    <13:1>[apothead]: its what i need from you
    <13:1>[apothead]: in order for you to stay here
    <13:1>[MALKEMA]: he is testing you and there a re a few who dont like it
    <13:1>[apothead]: otherwise im not happy with it
    <13:1>[RodWrath]: Send him the link for starters...
    <13:1>[LordShaner]: well then boot me, i dont like being somewhere im not wanted
    <13:1>[apothead]: ok
    <13:1>[apothead]: no problem
    <13:1>[apothead]: if thats the attitude you want to have
    <13:1>[apothead]: fine
    <13:2>[LordShaner]: just glad i came back when i did, rather hear things str8 from the horses mouth

    <13:12>From [LordShaner] : not sure what your problem is with me, but this is why i couldnt be with silence anymore, people talking behind each others backs
    To [LordShaner]: fyi, its nothing personal against you
    <13:13>From [LordShaner] : if you had an issue with me, you shoulda came to me brother, but too late now, good luck to you and the rest of EPI
    To [LordShaner]: which you would know if you read that
    To [LordShaner]: what i said before you went off
    To [LordShaner]: it has nothing to do with you personally
    To [LordShaner]: its about you only having 3 cities.
    <13:13>From [LordShaner] : too late , whats done is done, its a game, i just dont wanna be where im not wanted, you made it clear , so im not gonna stay,
    To [LordShaner]: lol whatever dude
    <13:14>From [LordShaner] : ciao. all the best
    <13:14>From [LordShaner] : fyi about me having 3 cities, .. i dont care to spend money on the game , and i tried daily to get medlas, but sadly no luck, anyway, bye
    To [LordShaner]: i farmed medals to furstin
    To [LordShaner]: and have bought senior boxes
    To [LordShaner]: dont talk to me about money
    <13:15>From [LordShaner] : and unfortunatly, i dont have good luck on this server, not for lack of trying, law of averages sometimes you get one, sometimes you dont
    <13:16>From [LordShaner] : anyway, you have yyour opinion , your entitled to it, just say it to my face next time please, thats all

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:22 am