Epidemic, We hold it down like a fat kid on a see-saw.

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    apothead VS. Andy

    The weed smoker.

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2010-02-03
    Age : 40
    Location : Pensacola

    apothead VS. Andy Empty apothead VS. Andy

    Post  a-pothead Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:35 am

    To [andy]: ok, heres the deal. legacy is tired of talking to you
    To [andy]: so were going to do this nice and easy
    To [andy]: name your so called sister alliances
    <17:44>From [Andy] : and ?
    To [andy]: and then pick the 2 that you like the most (1 counting silence.)
    <17:45>From [Andy] : we are getting rid of 2
    To [andy]: i dont recalling asking you all that
    To [andy]: i recall asking you WHICH ONES YOU DONT WANT RED
    <17:46>From [Andy] : so when did u start laying down the law
    To [andy]: ok, right now theres 1000 cities we cant hit
    To [andy]: and that doesnt work.
    To [andy]: so ill ask again, which 2 do you not want to be free game
    <17:47>From [Andy] : look i dont want an issue with epi there will be silence silent and silencr hit any 1 else u like
    To [andy]: let me do some math.
    <17:49>From [Andy] : dont talk to me like im an idiot u decare on 1 of the three u decare on us all
    To [Andy]: want me to?
    To [Andy]: i will
    To [Andy]: because honestly i dont give a shit
    <17:50>From [Andy] : your choice
    To [Andy]: and what would you do?
    To [Andy]: half of those 250 people are inactive
    <17:50>From [Andy] : u may think so
    To [Andy]: anyway, i gave you two
    <17:51>From [Andy] : lol paradox are disbanding
    To [andy]: 5 min.
    To [andy]: cooldown.
    To [andy]: your sticking them in silencerR
    To [andy]: no big secret there

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:24 am