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    Leveling Heros

    The weed smoker.

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2010-02-03
    Age : 40
    Location : Pensacola

    Leveling Heros Empty Leveling Heros

    Post  a-pothead Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:45 pm

    First things first.. find a hero. For those of you that have been lucky enough to get a lancelot hero or a holy helm of mars hero, great, for everyone else go to the inn and find a hero with a 69 base. that's level 1 with 69 attack. make sure you use holy water.

    After you've got your hero now you want to level the hell out of it. Npcs re-spawn troops every hour. so that means that hero should be hitting as many npcs as it can in that hour, then repeating.
    A good start with a fresh hero is to send him with ballistas while you're farming along with 3k warriors, from those warriors dying you'll get some xp.

    This is a level 7 NPC
    Leveling Heros Npc7losses

    You can start farming npc 7s with a fresh Inn hero with 67-70 attack, using the same thing as you would to farm a 10. It provides 425kish exp.
    Also note that you should always have war-horn/ivory horn on at all times when farming, if you have them. Most people should. Farming level 10s starts providing consistent losses around 200 att, with all relevant techs at level 10. Below 200 attack level 9 compass is better, but at this point most of us already have level 10 everything (or should).

    I would also like to add that your attack hero IS the most important thing in your evony arsenal. Until your attack hero reaches around 250 (at-least) you should focus on hero leveling instead of attacking other players. And also only producing units that will benifit your goals for this period of time. There is no reason you should be feeding troops you don't use. I'm not saying don't build any cav, but if your doing what im saying to do, then you don't need a massive amount, just a few to transport resources around if your cities are spaced apart. Once your able to farm 10s and end the day with more then you started with then you can focus on starting to do other things as well. But I would actually recommend that you continue to build your primary hero up as well as working towards getting another hero ready for farming 10s.

    I should also note that an npc 7 has less resources then a 10 obviously, and thus only requires 1000 transports at most. I believe the number for lvl 10 logistics is about 700.

    Also while your focusing on your hero try to keep a surplus of scouts, being as how that is how you would be able to most help other people in the alliance and keep quite a few people from attacking you. I'm not saying leave your city defenseless either. You should try to keep a MINIMUM of 100k archers and 10k layers in every city you have.

    I'm sure there is a lot more i could add to this but this is all I can think of at this time. Sitting here writing this is probably putting me behind on farming my 10s.
    This section was contributed by a-pothead.

    Now were off to the big gains.

    95000 archers
    250 pike
    250 swords
    4500 scouts

    that's gonna be your key til about 200 att

    lets start with level 7 npc. send this attack at them til about 160

    level 8 npc til about 170

    level 9 npc until 200ish

    you can kind of feel it out with losses when you need to switch.

    now most people say scout the npc make sure its below level 10 hero defending... i dont bother with that, because we all know we can get level 1 heros with 69 attack, and level 1 heroes with 10 attack, just like the inn... I do recommend that if you suffer alot of losses from 1 npc that you scout it just to change the hero.

    heres where it gets fun. level 10 npcs.

    there's so many different ways to attack these things, if you have alot of spare swords and pikes i suggest doing...

    92500 archers
    4500 scouts
    250 pike
    250 swords
    2000 transports

    if you don't have many of those you can switch it to high scout count

    90150 archer
    1000 warrior
    7000 scout
    1850 transports


    94150 archer
    2000 warrior
    2000 worker
    1850 trans

    basically you just feel around for what works best for you, everyone will tell you a different way to do it, there's no right or wrong way, basically its just different troop types being lost.[b][u]

    Last edited by a-pothead on Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:46 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Im god.)

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