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    compact defense


    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2010-02-03
    Age : 40
    Location : Pensacola

    compact defense Empty compact defense

    Post  Legacy Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:50 am

    I pulled this out of an email, first part is compact d, i didnt even read the rest

    we'll start with defense.

    the term compact defense is thrown around a alot. basically its when you force your attacker
    to start at close range, eliminating his abilty to easily clear layers (ill get into that on the attack section)
    It consist of using short range wall placement to start in archer tower range first round, instead
    of allowing the attackers to pick off your fast troops (cav, pike, swords) before you even get a
    shot at them.

    optimum wall defense is 17,000ish ats, 500 or so logs, and enough empty space to be able to build traps or abas if needed.
    A situation that you would need traps and abas, are ONLY pony attacks, or ram hits.

    example. (you may want more empty space if you are not exp in timing defense builds.)

    17,250 ats - 1,300 range
    800 rolling logs - 1,300 range
    50 empty spaces

    now behind this the "best" defense is a heavy ranged unit and high swords count.

    the key thing on defense to make it "unstoppable" to the average player, is attack values.

    when starting the fight at close range the unit with the highest attack value will be targeted
    once the ats are gone (ats are hit first, easy to build as poli heros level).. your highest attack
    value should be swords.. swords are a cheaper unit that have a high defense value, so they can take more
    damage than other troops before they die. Attack value is attack times the ammount of units.. example..

    1,000 swords. 100 attack. 100 x 1,000 = 100,000 attack value.
    1,000 archers. 120 attack. 120 x 1,000 = 120,000 attack value.

    with the same ammount of the two.. attacking units would hit the archers first because the attack value is higher, ie..
    scout bombs, cav smacks etc. so what you want to do is offset the attack value to always have swords higher because
    their defense value is 250 compared to the archers 50... basically coming down to less die, AND archers are more important
    in your over all outgoing damage to kill the units attacking. think of the swords as a brick wall that the attack has to chip
    away before they can get to your more valuable troops.

    now lets add in ANOTHER important variable. ballistas. they are by far my favorite troop on offense as well as defense.
    set your ballista attack value to less than the swords also, and watch millions and millions of troops paint your walls red.

    example of an "unstoppable" defense.

    17250 ats
    800 logs
    1,000,000 archers
    1,250,000 swords
    100,000 ballistas
    100 of every other unit.

    obviously you dont have this many troops yet, but you can still use the same ratio in your current cities, and it works just as well.

    I used this defense on server 115, and offered 100,000,000,000 food to any alliance that could break my walls after i adv ported to their state.
    I would drop alliance, and defend for 24 hours. usually they didnt even dent my city, and never got past most of the swords... I believe i lost 70k troops
    to the 50,000,000 sent at me.

    Downfall of this defense... IMPORTANT.

    cav and rams are the weakness of this defense. they like to start at close range, and smash whatever they come in contact with... how do we prevent?

    1 trap or 1 aba would start the fight at 5,000 range, and they would all die before they got to your towers, only killing your 100 pike, cav, and phract, never even reaching
    your important troops.

    Dont be scared though to leave this defense up without the range setters, it will hold up for hours before actually breaking down the high swords count, and you will most likely have
    logged on by then or simple reinforcements could be sent to help. face it no one in this stage of the game has enough rams or cav built to actually break it correctly.

    res fields guide.

    I know most of you will argue on this because alot of you have never delt with end game concepts.

    lumber production = 160,000
    level 10 valley = 23% more production. x 10 = about 1.2m units per hour (it goes a x 1.23 x 1.23 x 1.23 etc). lumber and iron stay at about the same price through
    end game.

    iron production = 80,000
    lumber production = 80,000
    level 10 valley = 23% more production x5 for each... so were doing 80k x 1.23 5 times. added together with both, which is 225k ish each, so you produce 450k units total. less than half of what you could produce with a pure res.
    making this way the most efficient way to do it.

    also when you start to get maxed out on the production of the resources, depending on your stockpile level, you will stop producing the res at the cut off.
    if you hold all your iron in a city that produces all wood and vice versa you will always produce res, instad of capping out.

    Advanced attack guide.

    Have you ever came across a defense where you just say "wtf"

    Lets start with the most common used defense in high numbers that you would see at a middle stage of the game.

    15000 ats
    1000 traps
    1000 abas
    500 trebs
    500 logs

    500k archers
    500k warriors
    75k pike
    75k swords
    25k cav
    25k phracts
    5k ballistas

    This is very simple to break if you understand how things work. The key is peeling back troops with minimal losses.

    now, the flaw in this defense is the 5,000 range setters.. basically what this does it allow you to pick off all the troops before the ats and archers get in range.

    I'll throw you a quick lesson in layering. most people thing sending large layers let your archers last longer... this isnt true..
    your layers should be 10% of the 5k range value. example..

    1000 abas and 1000 traps.. means that your layers should be 100 in each.. this is because 10% is enough for some to get through and actually get targeted allowing your archers to get more round on the defenders. just remember only the faster troops actually layer.

    your first step in this attack should be taking out the cav and phracts.. this is simple. your first attack will target phracts, so send..

    20k archers
    100 in each layer up to phract.

    first attack you should kill all cav, and most of the phracts.

    repeat again until all the phracts, and some pike die.

    your attacking in order of fastest troops.. cav, phract, pike, sword is the order.

    3rd attack you should be half way through with the pike.

    now your going to send an archer attack to finish them off and start on the sword.

    40k archers
    100 in each layer.

    this should finish them off. and start on the swords.

    send another small archer bow depending on the ammount of swords left. (make sure to use queen or disposible heros on all these attacks, because you will lose heros.)

    now you should be left with

    wall defense, 500k archers 500k warriors 1k ballistas.

    your next step is to take out the range setters to set up for a close range attack.

    what i do, being thaht its the most efficent is spam the walls with multiple cities, and usually multiple friends doign the same thing.. on my old server, if i was hitting a target my entire alliance would send the same attack so i could set up for the spear head as quick as possible because time is of the essence.

    these attacks would be 10% of the 5,000 range value in scouts and cav to take out traps and abas, this will also knock out def trebs.

    say you have 900 traps and abas left you would send 90 cav 90 scout attacks.

    you dont need to send more, and sending more would be less efficent.

    spam them down to 0... the last 100 take about 60 hits. so dont get frustrated just keep pushing and with everyone hitting it takes no time.

    now your up for the fun part

    your looking at


    if you've heard of the jac attack this is where it comes into play.

    cav get 2 attacks per round. and defending archers and towers always target ranged units first.. ie archers, ballistas. and pults.

    what you want to do is send a small attack of cav to see what the cav target when they hit, send 100 cav, 10 scouts and if they hit archers you're golden.

    so line up from a close city with 99996 cav, 1 pult 1 ball 1 archer 1 scout... if you are too far to send the pult and ball and pressed for time dont worry... you'll still pull it off.

    cav will smash all the archers, and probably the warriors depending on the hero.

    you want to lose this round to get a high heal % without much honor transfer, even in a failed attack you still win. you kill way more value than you lose, and the heal rate is going to be high from you dumping honor in the first rounds.

    you should have ats, and warriors left. 1 large arch bow will handle this with minimal losses.

    this is the cheapest way to do it, it can also be achieved quickly with ballista bow first first hit, clearing layers then cav smacking.

    if you have any senarios you want to know what you should do it mail me back and ill break it down for you just as i broke down this one.

    THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO DO THIS, but this is the quickest / cheaper unit cost / most efficent way

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:54 pm