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    Medal Farming

    The weed smoker.

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    Medal Farming Empty Medal Farming

    Post  a-pothead Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:29 am

    First you need to start out by scouting all the level 9&10 valleys/flats within a 15 mile radius of your city. Don’t be lazy and only scout partially around it. Scout all the way around it up to 15 miles away. The reason you’re not going further then 15 miles is because that will make it a 30min march time for your archers. Now that you've scouted all the way around your city it’s time to read the reports. Get a pen and paper, because you’re going to need it at this point. What you’re looking for are the valleys without cavalry, archers, or both. To clarify, YOU ONLY WANT TO WRITE DOWN THE VALLEYS/FLATS WITHOUT CALVARY AND/OR ARCHERS. What you want to write down is the coordinates of the valley, what type it is, the march time (optional), and what level it is. The reason you are doing this is because you can attack a valley without archers and cavalry with no losses, and so you can pick and choose which valleys you want to hit depending on your current needs For instance if you could use some lumber you would attack a forest, iron a hill, ECT. This also enables you to only hit the level 10 valleys if you have found enough of them (I hit about 6-8 per city so sometimes finding enough level 10 valleys that meet the requirements doesn’t happen). Now that you have all this information it’s time to get started. The first thing you need to do is make sure your valley slots are full so you cannot capture the valley. The reason for this is because if you capture a valley and abandon it will respawn different troops, and when your valley slots are full you cannot conquer the valley. Now it’s time to send out the attacks. Go to your march screen (Which is located in your rally point if you didn’t know) and launch all the attacks from there (this is why you wrote them all down), it’s much more efficient to do it this way. You need to attack with 20k archers. You will take 0 losses as long as the valley DOES NOT HAVE ARCHERS AND/OR CAVALRY. You have a better chance of getting medal if the valley has fully respawned (Takes 1hr) which is why one of the valleys needs to be 30 min. away. Once all the attacks return send them all out again and by the time they get there it will have been n hour so they will have fully respawned(Hence the 30min march time). It doesn’t matter what kind of valley you attack, it can be a forest, hill, flat, or whatever. They all drop medals, and of all types. The only thing that is going to make you get more medals is attacking more valleys. I can personally guarantee you that the more valleys you attack, the more medals you will get. Another thing to remember, all those medals you do not need now, are medals you WILL need later.

    Here is a list of the titles (which are what allow more cities) and the medals required for them.

    Cross 10 Rose 5
    Rose 10 Lion 5
    Lion 10 Honor 5
    Honor 10 Courage 5
    Courage 10 Wisdom 5
    Freedom 5 Wisdom 10
    Freedom 10 Justice 5
    Justice 10 Nation 5
    Justice 30 Nation 15

    In addition to these medals you will also need 5 Cross, 5 Rose, 5 Lion, and 5 Honor medals to attain the proper rank to receive these titles. So don’t get discouraged if you’re getting medals you “don’t need” because you can continue to use *most* of them. Remember, the more attacks you send out the more medals you will get.
    To review:
    1. Scout all valleys within 15 miles.
    2. Write down the ones WITHOUT archers and cavalry.
    3. Make sure all your valley slots are full so you cannot capture the valleys.
    4. Send 20k archers to each valley from the march screen and when ALL the attacks return send them ALL out again.
    5. Sit back and watch the medals come in.

    This guide brought to you by a-pothead and Epinephrin.
    Holdin it down like 2 fat kids on a seesaw.

    Last edited by a-pothead on Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:19 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Medal Farming Empty Re: Medal Farming

    Post  Legacy Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:30 am

    as a bonus, if you have 10 logistics, every lake and forest you hit you get 1million of that resource... with 20k archers


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    Medal Farming Empty Re: Medal Farming

    Post  Ultranatur Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:19 pm

    Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil


    Last edited by a-pothead on Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:16 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I PWN U)

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    Medal Farming Empty medal farming

    Post  Goods Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:10 pm

    If a valley has cavalry plus one or two units that are not archers then you can attack it with no losses. With Cavalry and 1 unit send 25k archers plus 10 swords, 10 pike, and 1 ballista. With cavalry and 2 units send 30k archers plus 10 sword, 10 pike, and 1 ballista.

    Takes a little longer but helps you attack more valleys per day.

    I have had a higher sucess rate of getting medals if I let the valley fully respawn first. This takes 1 hour between each hit.

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