Epidemic, We hold it down like a fat kid on a see-saw.

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    Jealous needs some penis.


    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2010-02-03
    Age : 40
    Location : Pensacola

    Jealous needs some penis. Empty Jealous needs some penis.

    Post  Legacy Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:53 pm

    <21:42>[Jealous]: i really need to get fuked right now
    <21:42>[Jealous]: is anyone in cali
    <21:42>[Jealous]: wants a peice of me?
    <21:42>[Kru of Atalanta]: i know a guy
    <21:42>[Kru of Atalanta]: what city
    <21:42>[Kru of Atalanta]: lmao
    <21:42>[Hellhound]: I'll meet u 1/2 way jealous
    <21:42>[apothead]: rofl
    <21:42>[Jealous]: Fort Bragg
    <21:42>[Legacy]: im laughing
    <21:42>From [apothead] : omg
    <21:42>From [apothead] : thats hillarious
    To [apothead]: omg
    <21:43>[Kru of Atalanta]: bragg is in CAROLINA
    <21:43>[Legacy]: syeah
    <21:43>[Legacy]: it is
    <21:43>[Kru of Atalanta]: cali? lmmfao
    <21:43>[Legacy]: i was thinking that
    <21:43>[Ava]: it's in cali too
    <21:43>[Legacy]: but didnt want her to fuk me with the strap on
    <21:43>[Hellhound]: bbl need to take grimus home
    <21:43>[Ava]: lol epi
    <21:43>[Kru of Atalanta]: this guy gets around, but if really want him - lemme look up his number
    <21:44>[Jealous]: no no... straight up rough.... wild... hot... nasty...*i just need some d*ck
    <21:44>[Kru of Atalanta]: in cali.. near what other city
    <21:44>[Kru of Atalanta]: half the people on this server are from nc btw
    <21:44>[Legacy]: rofl
    <21:44>[Jealous]: 300 miles north of san fran
    <21:44>[Kru of Atalanta]: uh huh
    <21:44>[Kru of Atalanta]: legacy? your private jet fueled up?
    To [apothead]: dude, lets fly to cali and gang bang that btch when you get off house arrest
    <21:44>[Legacy]: lol
    <21:44>[IvoryHorns]: Times like this I wish I was 20 years younger lol, where was this game back then
    <21:45>[Jealous]: ...... im serious... any of you in cali
    <21:45>[Legacy]: predian is the one with the private jet
    <21:45>[Jealous]: i want to fuk
    <21:45>From [apothead] : seriously?
    <21:45>[Kru of Atalanta]: lol i gtg that is funny - hahaha .. thats why im goin right now Wink i'll bbl lol
    <21:45>From [Grant61] : maby shes a 280 lb plumber that burry's people uin his back yard Sad
    <21:45>[Legacy]: To [apothead]: dude, lets fly to cali and gang bang that btch when you get off house arrest
    <21:45>[Legacy]: From [apothead] : seriously?
    <21:45>[Jealous]: i wont be drunk when you get off house arrest
    <21:45>[Jealous]: i'll take 3 of you boys
    <21:45>[Jealous]: lets go!
    <21:46>[Legacy]: i gotta go afk
    <21:46>[Kru of Atalanta]: now i know shes bs-in
    <21:46>[Kru of Atalanta]: Wink
    <21:46>[Legacy]: thats a dude
    <21:46>[apothead]: lol
    <21:46>[Legacy]: get out of here chris hanson!
    <21:46>[Jealous]: your scared
    <21:46>[Jealous]: id hurt you
    <21:46>[Kru of Atalanta]: peace ya'll - jealous told me she was a girl
    <21:46>[Legacy]: i aint scared of sht
    <21:46>[Kru of Atalanta]: was trippin in all that
    <21:46>[Kru of Atalanta]: u scared of the mississippi black snake
    <21:47>[IvoryHorns]: Ive seen her pic, and if thats really her OMG I really wish I was younger
    <21:47>[apothead]: lol
    <21:47>[Legacy]: i think ive seen a pic of her
    <21:47>[apothead]: IM DOWN ON MY KNEES
    <21:47>[Legacy]: LOL
    <21:47>[apothead]: BEGGIN U PLEASE
    <21:47>[Legacy]: LOLOLOLOLLLLL
    <21:47>[Kru of Atalanta]: f that ivory.. u dont have to be younger they love em aged
    <21:47>[Legacy]: jafk
    <21:47>[Legacy]: afk
    <21:47>[Kru of Atalanta]: aint that right jeal
    To [apothead]: kljsdfkljsdfl;kasjdflkasjdfl;kasjdfijlejk
    <21:47>[IvoryHorns]: No, Im broke, and I mean Im broke, diabetes killed that part of me
    <21:47>From [apothead] : rofl
    <21:47>From [apothead] : THATS MY BEST JOKE
    To [apothead]: then kru talking about the mississipii blacksnack hes bringing to her
    <21:48>[Jealous]: can i play anyway ivory
    <21:48>From [apothead] : FOR 104th
    <21:48>[Kru of Atalanta]: thats y god made fingers and toes
    <21:48>[Jealous]: only i have to enjoy it
    <21:48>[IvoryHorns]: 10 years ago I was making my wife scream and moan, now I just say goodnight
    ll, my tongue is definately not broke lol
    <21:48>[Roger]: lol
    <21:48>[Legacy]: lawd
    <21:48>[Roger]: give it up the poop chute
    <21:48>[Kru of Atalanta]: dude that blow no pun intended - fingers and toes sir, fingers and toes.. ok im really out - too funny too much fun .. peace all
    <21:49>[Legacy]: im text filing all this
    <21:49>From [apothead] : rofl
    <21:49>[Roger]: lol
    <21:49>[Legacy]: and making a forum post
    <21:49>[Jealous]: forcing me to go to world chat... sigh
    <21:49>[IvoryHorns]: Thats funny
    <21:49>[Legacy]: lol
    <21:49>[Legacy]: why dont you go to a bar/
    <21:49>[Legacy]: you dont want some dude off evony
    <21:49>[Jealous]: cause they are dirty
    <21:49>[Legacy]: seriously
    <21:49>[Legacy]: dude on evony arnt?
    <21:49>[Legacy]: lol
    <21:49>[Jealous]: at least i know id be banging a loser here
    <21:50>[apothead]: lol
    <21:50>[Legacy]: wow
    <21:50>[apothead]: I JUST TOOK A SHOWER
    <21:50>[apothead]: THX
    <21:50>[apothead]: dude
    <21:50>[Jealous]: pothead will work
    <21:50>[apothead]: my desktp
    <21:50>[apothead]: is littered
    <21:50>[apothead]: with .txts
    <21:50>From [Kru of Atalanta] : yeah i will be getting s copy of this from you.. peace bro

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